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Oct. 2, 2013
Town of Princeton    PLANNING BOARD   ---   Regular Meeting ---  October 2, 2013

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Tom Daly. Present were: Jon Fudeman, Ann Neuburg, Richard Bisk and John Mirick.

Administrative Business
Board voted all in favor to approve September 18 regular meeting minutes.

New Business

7:35 PM – Tom D. read the public meeting notice to open the public hearing for Special Permit/Site Plan application for a B&B, submitted by Jim Camp, at 58 Mountain Road. Mr. Camp explained he would have up to three bedrooms for overnight guests and serve breakfast only. He submitted a plot plan of the property and existing dwelling unit and identified the portion of the property for the proposed bed & breakfast “Princeton Manor” and the several parking spaces for guests’ cars. There would be no exterior changes to building or grounds. A sign at the entrance would read “Princeton Manor – Home of Goat Ridge Farm.” Tom D. noted that it could not be expanded into an event venue. Jon F. pointed out that there’s plenty of parking and it’s an ideal spot for a B&B..
When the board asked for general comments from the floor, there was no opposition to a B&B and several neighbors voiced support for the concept along with a few concerns.  John Peterson, 51 Mountain Road said he had no objections. Abutter Rich Granger asked about the scope of food service and truck deliveries. Mr. Camp explained that the “breakfast only” criteria for the occasional maximum number of (six) guests didn’t warrant truck deliveries. Mr. Granger also asked about guests potentially trespassing beyond the Goat Ridge Farm property and Mr. Camp described signage and the possible presence of electric fence around property for livestock he keeps nearby. John M. suggested wording for a condition that may be added and he stated that recourse for any infractions, such as “inappropriate use,” would go to the building inspector /zoning enforcement officer as a zoning infraction.
8:03 PM After receiving all comments, Tom D. closed the public hearing and the board voted all in favor to approve the application and decision subject to addition of condition reading:  “The applicant shall take appropriate measures to ensure that guests are restricted to the boundaries of the Princeton Manor property at 58 Mountain Road.” The board agreed to come into Town Hall individually to sign the final copy of the decision.

8:05 PM – Tom D. read the legal notice and opened the public hearing for a Special Permit/Site Plan for the new communications tower at the Public Safety Building. Gary Cromack of Cromack Industries presented the project which is part of the regionalization of Princeton’s Fire, Police, and EMT dispatch services. The new tower is needed to replace the existing tower which is antiquated and inadequate.  It will be a three legged, free-standing, 90’ lattice design.  It will have two new microwave dishes for communication with Holden, and will also have the omni-directional antennae used for fire, police, and EMT communications which are on the existing tower.  When the new tower is operational, the old tower will be removed.  John Lebeaux and Neil Sulmasy also spoke on behalf of the Town.  An abutter, Mrs. Rettstadt, expressed concerns with the proposed location at the westerly end of the Public Safety Building.  The Board took walk outdoors for a site view during the hearing.
The Board observed that while a Public Safety Telecommunications Tower is not subject to the Section XIII Wireless Telecommunications Bylaw because it does not involve a commercial telecommunications carrier, the detailed provisions contained in Section XIII provided useful guidance to considering the application.  Mr. Cromack explained why a monopole style would be more obtrusive than the lattice because it would have to be at least eight feet in diameter and all antennae and the microwave dishes would have to hang off the top at several feet away from the pole’s surface, to receive signal properly. Cell phone receivers are directional and can be hidden inside the pole, while the public safety equipment includes omnidirectional ‘whip’ antennae that require much space around them. The applicant agreed that the tower be relocated from the westerly end of the public safety building to the northerly side of the public safety building, adjacent to the generator.

9:15 PM  Tom D. closed the public hearing after accepting all comments. With the change in location, the Board voted all in favor to approve the Special Permit/Site Plan application and plan titled Holden-Princeton Combined 911 Dispatch Project, dated September 13, 2013, for the Town of Princeton, with conditions addressing height, design and location, and specifying no commercial use. The board agreed to come into Town Hall individually to sign the final copy of the decision.

9:25 PM  Board voted to adjourn

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:  Special Permit and Site Plan application and plans, maps and diagrams for Princeton Manor Bed & Breakfast and for Holden-Princeton Combined 911 Dispatch Project

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department